Sunday, June 2, 2013

2nd June

Forgot to mention about yesterday, I also won a ticket to an event in September, it is called the Love, Fun and Freedom event. Also, Andrew bought his car.
On to today, work as usual.
Also I am going to be doing the Success Book, but Caryn's version of it. I missed yesterday, so I am going to do 2 days today so that I can coincide with the dates.
They say no man is an island. Everyone needs someone or something beyond themselves. What about the energy that animates and gives life to all things? What creates and destroys worlds? Is that me? Am I truly that
powerful? As a singular human being, I have limited abilities. When I open up and allow the energy of the Universe to flow as it should, there is no
second guessing. Everything is what it is. There is no judgment of self. I am a detached observer of events as they occur. I give up all control to the infinite wisdom of the Universe.
makes me feel very expansive, in the flow.
I have fully committed to my self-development. I am committed to acting healthfully towards my body and mind. I remove myself from situations that focus on lack, dis-ease, and anything else that prevents me from expressing  
my true inner being. I am deliberately detaching myself from anything
relating to my individual life, such as debts, fears, possessions, and any
sense of lack whatsoever, that keep me so entrenched in the future that I can’t enjoy the NOW. I ask Archangel Michael to remove the cords by
shining his torch of illumination on them and showing them for what they are—mere illusions that are easily dissolved. I ask my EGO to step aside and allow the divine wisdom that flows through all things to now rule my emotions. I surrender the need to control and allow myself to feel.
Yes I definitely have committed to my self-development. Amen.

1st June

Today was spent with the lovely Shiloh and a beautiful group of women online doing the Sacred Dream Painting.
Was a wonderful time, and I am quite impressed with the way the painting is turning out. I have gotten half way through, and on Monday I will continue with it so that I can start the next series in the Color of Woman.
Seems like I have picked the right time to go on this journey of self-discovery as our call on Friday was all about the healer and the messenger. On the call we did a brief journey on what our medicine was, I got a box full of sparks, although I think I mentioned that in the last post.
Today was a good start to the journey